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The History of Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University

 Jinxiang Shi, Zhixue Niu, Feng Ji, Tianxuan Wei , Liangming Jiang and Jin Su , leaders of the


Beijing Tiantan Hospital Reservation Method and ProcedureWe have a comprehensive non-emergency regis

Wards Location

DepartmentWardLocationNeurosurgeryNeurosurgery Pediatric WardEast side of the 8th floor of the

International Medical Service

 Introduction for IMSInternational Medical Service(IMS) of Beijing Tiantan Hospital (hereinafte

Commercial Health Insurance

 International Medical Center has established cooperation with the following companies/institut

Patient admission process and quality control standards

I. Process1. After receiving the notification of patient admission, the doctor in charge will identi

Emergency Care

1. Patients enter the emergency triage area, critical patients (transferred from emergency vehicles,


Location:Address: No.119 South Fourth Ring West Road, Fengtai District, Beijing, P.R.ChinaTel:010-59